AeroVee Engine Models:
AeroVee 2.1 Engine Kit: 80 hp
AeroVee Turbo Engine Kit: 100 hp


AeroVee Turbo Engine Kit: 100 hp

AeroVee Turbo 100 hp: $15,000

AeroVee Turbo Upgrade Pkg: $4,200

(online ordering)

PDF Order Form

AeroVee Turbo Specifications:
Horsepower: 100 hp @3400 RPM
Bore:  92 mm
Stroke:  82 mm
Displacement:  2180 cc
Compression Ratio:  8.0:1 for AvGas*
7.0:1 for Auto Fuel*

*AvGas Requirements: aviation gasoline 91/98 minimum grade conforming to ASTM D 910.

*Auto Fuel Requirements: automotive gasoline with a posted (R+M)/2 of 90 or greater conforming with ASTM D 4814.

Oil Capacity:  3 US Quarts
Oil Type:  SAE Multigrade 20/50 Semi-Synthetic: See AeroVee Turbo Manual
Firing Order:  1-4-3-2
Spark Plugs:  Autolite MP4163 or equivalent
Carburetor:  AeroInjector ACV-C07S
Starter:  SkyTec Geared Starter
Alternator Output:  20 Amp

185 lbs less oil

Propeller Drive:  1:1
Prop Bolt Pattern:  Qty 6, 5/16" diameter @ 4" Center
Prop Drive Bushings:  9/16" diameter x 7/16" long
Battery Required: 

12v @ 20 Amp
AeroVee Turbo
Operating Limitations:
Max. Continuous Power: 35 in Hg MAP
Max. Power (2 minuites): 40 in Hg MAP
Idle RPM: 700-900
Cruise RPM: 3200-3400
Max. RPM: 4000
Oil Temp Min: 100 degrees F
Oil Temp Max: 230 degrees F
Oil Pressure Min: 10 psi
Oil Pressure Max: 100 psi
Oil Pressure @ Cruise: 40-50 psi
CHT @ Cruise: 350-375 degrees F
CHT @ Climb (5 min): 420 degrees F
CHT Max: 450 degrees F
EGT Max: 1400 degrees F

The AeroVee Turbo is rated as a 100 horsepower engine at sea level, and yields significant performance enhancement to the Sonex line of aircraft without breaking the bank. Just like the normally-aspirated AeroVee, the AeroVee Turbo can be installed in any suitable homebuilt aircraft design. The AeroVee Turbo is offered as a complete kit package, and upgrade packages are available to convert existing 80hp AeroVee engines to the Turbo configuration.

In a Sonex Aircraft, the AeroVee Turbo will yield a rate of climb up-to 1300 fpm, and a TAS at 8000' of 175 mph. Two Sensenich fixed-pitch propeller options are being offered for AeroVee Turbo installations on Sonex Aircraft. A 54" diameter x 50" pitch prop is intended for those wishing to maximize climb performance while still retaining a very-respectable 170 mph TAS cruise capability at 8,000'. A 56" diameter x 52" pitch prop will maximize top-end speeds, measured as-high as 187 mph TAS using WOT at 8,000' (38 in HG MAP) during Sonex/AeroVee Turbo flight test. Designed with simplicity in-mind, the AeroVee Turbo is intended for use with fixed pitch, or ground-adjustable propellers, keeping the package Sport Pilot Eligible by not requiring a constant-speed propeller, and with sea level cruise just under the Sport Pilot maximum speed at 135mph TAS.

The AeroVee Turbo is a pull-through turbo arrangement utilizing the standard AeroVee-sized 32mm AeroInjector. As a "free-floating" system, boost is controlled only by throttle setting limited by a fixed waste gate and power still diminishes with gains in altitude, but losses are not nearly as-drastic as those with a normally-aspirated engine. This allows the cruise speed of an AeroVee Turbo in a Sonex Aircraft at-altitude to eclipse the performance of the 120hp Jabiru 3300 engine.

Watch the AeroVee Turbo Webinar!

Watch the archive video of a live AeroVee Turbo webinar presented on October 29, 2014 by Sonex Aircraft CEO Jeremy Monnett. This webinar, the latest update on the AeroVee Turbo, offers an in-depth look at the product, installation and performance.


AeroVee Turbo Manuals and Video Series!

AeroVee Engine Kit assembly is made easy with the AeroVee Assembly and Installation Manuals and the AeroVee Assembly Video Series! Download our manuals below and watch the AeroVee Assembly Videos. See All AeroConversions Manuals and Videos

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AeroVee Turbo Cooling System:

The AeroVee Turbo is unique among aircraft engine turbocharging systems in that a dedicated turbo cooling system is now available, allowing AeroVee Turbo pilots to keep their turbochargers in top condition by actively cooling the turbo when it matters most: after engine shutdown.

The AeroVee Turbo Cooling System weighs less-than 5 lbs. including coolant, and is thermostatically controlled. You can shut the aircraft master switch off and leave the aircraft, and the cooling system will automatically shut-off when temperatures in the turbocharger's bearing block are reduced to specified levels, which typically takes about 20 minutes with under 0.1 volt drop in battery charge.

The system is currently offered as a Bill of Materials so that customers can source at the lowest cost, and vary individual components to best fit their individual installations in a variety of airframe models. Sonex Aircraft sells the custom coolant catch can for the system.

Read More about the AeroVee Turbo Cooling System!

ACV-T06-12 AeroVee Turbo
Coolant Catch Can: $51.25
(Included with new AeroVee Turbo Kits)




AeroVee Turbo FAQ's: See More AeroVee FAQ's

Q1: What kind of performance difference is there with the Turbo?
The turbo is a 100hp package (+20hp over the normally aspirated AeroVee, which will from here on be referred to as AeroVee 2.1) with an additional advantage... at higher altitude, performance will not degrade as rapidly as it does with normally aspirated engines. This makes it a great option for those operating at high field elevations or those wanting to cross over mountains! The AeroVee Turbo package increases climb performance 200-300 fpm with the Sonex Family and increases speed performance at altitude by approximately 25 mph.

Q2: How much does the turbo installation add to the AeroVee install weight?
The AeroVee 2.1 (without turbo) weighs 160 lbs dry. The Turbo AeroVee weighs 185 lbs dry, so the turbo installation adds 25 lbs. Watch Jeremy’s Weight and Balance EAA Webinar in the archive to see how that impacts useful load and weight and balance. As we have done with the 3300 Jabiru-powered Sonex Aircraft Family, we have increased the gross weight by 50 lbs using the AeroVee Turbo being much more comfortable with the power-to-weight Ratio…especially at higher-altitudes and/or on high density altitude  days. So you do not lose useful load. From a weight and balance perspective, the impact is minimized due to most of the weight being added very close to the firewall, so there is very little moment arm on it and thus does not impact the baggage or fuel capacity or pilot/passenger weights.

Q3: What AeroVee Options do you recommend I purchase with my AeroVee Turbo Package?
We recommend the ACV-C10-30 Air Filter Assembly and ACV-S03-01 Oil Separator. Customers who purchase the turbo may also be interested in the ACV-P01-106 Top-Mount Oil cooler mount with hardware, Assembled Crankshaft Option, Cooling Baffle Kits which are the same between Turbo and Normally Aspirated AeroVee Installations, and AeroConversions CHT Probes.

Q4: Will the turbo package work with the entire Sonex Aircraft Family including the tri-gear configurations?
Yes. We have worked the routing of the Turbo Intake and Exhaust Tubes to work with every available Sonex Aircraft configuration. The tightest fit is in the Onex Tri-Gear, and a unique version of the exhaust is used for this application.

Q5: I understand you have a permanent oil filter that I can install in my aerovee engine.
Yes, this oil filter is lower-mounted and replaces the ACV-P01-53 oil change kit and/or the ACV-P02-20 oil sump plate. The ACV-P06-75 Mini Sump with Filter Kit has an oil return fitting machined in to allow for an oil return line from an oil separator.

Q6: What propellers do you recommend with the AeroVee Turbo?
See our propeller order form for the two recommended propellers...a "climb prop" that optimizes climb performance and a “cruise prop” that optimizes fuel economy cruise and top-end speed.

Q7: How can I learn more?
Watch the AeroVee Turbo Webinar!

See More AeroVee FAQ's

AeroVee Turbo Engine Kit
AeroVee Turbo Upgrade Package




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